While standing inside you will actually feel to stand in the middle of a little village square. With its huge glass doors, Cantina della Vetra (Vetra Cellar) is a very delightful place to be in close contact with nature and the Columns of San Lorenzo!
You should stop for lunch here, it will be a great experience! Even though it is quite expensive you can enjoy some peaceful time here! Conviviality and chatter are the key words. The service is great and you will taste delicious dishes honouring the genuine traditional recipes!


Cantina Della Vetra
via Pio IV 3 ang. Piazza Vetra, Milan
telephone: 02.89403843
opening time:
Open every night from 7.30pm till 11pm
Open at lunch from Wednesday to Saturdays from 12.30am till 3pm
Mediterranean brunch on Sundays at 12am and at 2pm
how to get there:
metro line M3 Missori
tram line 3 Ticinese Molino delle armi/Ticinese carrobbio